Pursuing an active CSR programme can have multiple benefits for small businesses. Assuming the policy is sustainable and ties in with the business’s core competencies, employees who apply their skills to help the local community can learn in return. Many companies use volunteering with a charity as a team-building exercise that then benefits the workplace.

Having an environmental policy can frequently be simple to achieve for the SME. It may be investing in low-energy light bulbs, turning off computers and lights at the end of the day, replacing plastic cups with china mugs, or installing intelligent heating thermostats. A company can then decide to build on this with events such as an annual local litter pick up.

Bigger changes such as going paperless can have a huge environmental impact. For example, barrister St John’s Buildings was one of the first chambers to develop a paperless system. It could save the firm up to £350,000 per year while dramatically reducing its carbon footprint. Similarly, reducing office space and allowing your staff to work from home can also minimise environmental impact – and save money.

To read more about ways small businesses can become more socially responsible, follow the link below:
